Ginger's Page
Ginger (Elliot's Winter Spice) is our Golden Retriever puppy (whelped 18Nov97) who brings joy and light to every day. There really is nothing like having a puppy around to bring a smile. She naturally gets lots of attention wherever we go, everyone wants to pet her and say hello.
There are a couple of pictures (below) that I unabashedly stole from another site about a golden get-together until I get a big batch back from being scanned (and the time to put them up!).
Some links:
Chase - a Golden Retriever puppy we fostered as part of NorCal Golden Rescue. See his page for his story and pictures.
Golden Retrievers in Cyberspace - a great site with tons of information. We found it very, very useful in learning about Golden Retrievers (and dogs in general) before we got Ginger.
Bunches of links and a couple of mailing lists, from a G@H posting.
Pictures of Ginger

Ginger (with stick) playing in the water. Ahh, to be so carefree!

Here's Ginger (on the right) with a big root-stick, running water after wading in the river.

More Goldens playing around.

Ginger at her 9th birthday party!